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news from m.glenwood

michael glenwood    703.502.3400    email

Great news from Graphis magazine, Society of Illustrators of LA, and some recent work


I'm genuinely honored to be recognized by the highly regarded Graphis magazine, with an upcoming profile in Graphis Journal #364 and being named as a Graphis Master.

Graphis Magazine

click here to see the Graphis announcement and here to see my Graphis portfolio

Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles Illustration West 58

As noted in last month's newsletter, Canary (below, right) (see more here) won a Silver Award in Illustration West 58. Four other illustrations also were selected. Scrabble Brain was for an article looking at how, and why, memories become scrambled and confused—and sometimes erased entirely—in the early stages of Alzheimer's.    Other winners, featured in previous newsletters, were Automation Anxiety (more here), Typewriter (more here), and LA Times Spring Arts Preview (more here).

ILW 58

Oprah Magazine

A recent piece for O, The Oprah Magazine. The illustration accompanied a book review about a woman who mysteriously disappears from a ship.

Oprah magazine illustration

Chicago Magazine

An illustration for Chicago magazine, reflecting on how Illinois will pay a crucial role this year in the Democratic primaries as candidates pursue the road to the White House.

Chicago magazine illustration

Bringing Light to the World

Personal piece

window illustration

Stock images

Stock images are available for licensing through the ispot, a premium stock illustration licensing site.

Stock images

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Michael Glenwood Illustration   4712 King William Road, Richmond, VA 23225   703.502.3400

Copyright © 2020 Michael Glenwood Gibbs. All rights reserved.    703.502.3400    email