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michael glenwood    www.michaelglenwood.com    703.502.3400    email

Some recent work. And be sure to check out my newly redesigned website.

To Church or Not To Church

An illustration for Liberty Magazine, for an article examining where the line is drawn between one's right to congregate in church and the responsibility for public safety in the time of covid-19.

Church v Public Health illustration

Retail Sales Go Flat

With shutdowns, lockdowns and shoppers staying away—preferring to go online to shop—stores have seen retail sales go flat. For a brokerage firm report.

shopping cart illustration

Wall Street Journal

For a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, detailing how sommeliers are seeking new opportunities and careers as covid-19 shuts down bars and restaurants.

sommelier illustration

The Short End of the Stick

An unselected sketch for an article on the inherent disparity in educational opportunities between white students and students of color. I often take unselected sketches and complete them as final art.


Masks, Yesterday and Today

This illustration is a couple of years old, created for Johns Hopkins. It's interesting how an illustration takes on new meaning in different contexts. The art was originally done for an article about surgeons who have bad outcomes in performing surgery, and how they've formed self-help groups to talk things through and help heal themselves. But nowadays it's hard to look at a mask and not associate it with covid-19.

Mask illustration

Education Next

A recent cover illustration done for Harvard's Education Next magazine. Using focused one-on-one guidance counselors enables students to better find their path forward in difficult situations.

Maze illustration
EdNext cover

Stock images

Stock images are available for licensing through the ispot, a premium stock illustration licensing site.

Stock images

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Michael Glenwood Illustration   4712 King William Road, Richmond, VA 23225   703.502.3400

Copyright © 2020 Michael Glenwood Gibbs. All rights reserved.

www.michaelglenwood.com    703.502.3400    email